Thursday, 22 October 2009


Sometimes we think we're alone, and we forget that we have friends. The best treasure that we have. They are in the best moments but the best of them is that they are in the worst moments too. They are in our hearts, in our souls, without them nothing will be the same. We have to keep them, we have to hold them, help them when they need it. Friend is more than one word, is a feeling, a feeling that we must try to keep. They gave me the best moments of my life. Have you got the same feeling or do you think like me?


Kamila Żmijewska said...

Yes Laura, I totally agree with you, friends are one of the most important values in our life:)

Marcin Szmyt said...

Laura, it is a very poetic post. I believe that among many other occasions this blog is another possibility to find new friends or develop already existing friendships.

Mònica Villanueva Benet said...

You've always been so sweet Laura. This post shows many positive things about your character.

Pilar Pérez said...

Hi Laura,
I'm glad you've decided to join us again. Of course, I agree with you. Sometimes we may feel we don't have many friends, but surely they must be the best.

mmmmmelaniieh. said...

Lauraa :) I like much your article, I also think the friends are very important in our lives!
