On 2nd November we reminisce our relatives, who had left our world. We go to the cemetery and pray for them, but also we meet our further family and talk about those, who aren't with us. The Reminiscence of The Dead Members of Church is noticed as very sad celebrate, but in fact it's completely opposite - we remind ourselves the best things related to dead members of our family. We can even know something interesting about them. So please, don't be sad this day. Go to cemetery, light up the flame and pray. Enjoy your family reunion and don't forget about those, who had left this world.
Dear Lord, let them rest in peace.
In Spain we also used to celebrate this day with the family and visiting the cemetery where our family memebers were buried, but I'm afraid that's history now. This is a tradition almost lost, and only old people keep on doing it. I suppose the fact of burning instead of burying people is in part responsible for that.
Piotr, thanks for this post. We should never forget our ancestors.
Like Pilar said, we also used to celebrate this day too.
I go with my family to remember good things and good moments. But this day is for me a normal day, because I remember all the days the people who had left this world.
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