Hi everyone!
I'm Karolina and I'm 17. I live in Olsztyn, Poland where I attend to High School nr 4 to the class with biology, chemistry and physics as leading subjects.I'm a little bit crazy and talkative. If it's about my intrests I study English, French and Spanish ( for half of a year so I'm just beginning :]). I love volleyball, scuba-diving (I hope to make a diving licence in the future) and skiing. I also love animals especially dogs - I've got one - the same as Kamila does :).
I've taken part in polish-catalan exchange (kisses for all participants!) in January so I remember some of you but I hope to get to know the rest :)!
Hmm, what a nice profile, I'm proud of my friend being so representative...that's nice you're finally here;-)
ohh how nice to see u again
love ya :)
We also remember you and are glad you're in again.
A big hug!
Karolina, thank you. Now I know I can count on your active participation in this "international Internet exchange", can't I? :)
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