Elena’s profile
My name is Elena García Galán and I’m 14 years old. I live with my parents in Barcelona and I’m an only child, but I have two cousins who are like brothers to me.
My mother’s name is Azucena (the name of a beautiful flower) and she works in the terminal of Barcelona’s harbour. She’s very fashionable and she likes shopping very much. Normally people say that we are very much alike .
My father’s name is Pepe and he has a bar and he is the only worker there. He has been working there for 20 years! He’s the best father :). He likes mountain climbing and swimming very much, and he has a perfect English.
I have brown eyes and, long and brown hair, I’m tall and thin. I always wear big earrings. I have a lot of favourite colours! I’m not very patient and I’m very punctual.
I have only one hobby dancing, I danced Jazz for four years. It’s a mixture of many different styles. But now I dance funky and I like this very much! In my free time, I normally go out with my friends.
mi shusa (L)
I love you !
Welcome to the blog Elena!! Nice profile!!!
Sure you can show us some more of your pictures.
Glad to have you back in the European Exchange subject. Sure we have a good time as well this year!!!!!!!!!! :)
hii elena..glad to meet you I like your profile kisses
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