Thursday, 4 February 2010

My profile by Joel González

Hi my name is Joel Gonzalez Reyes and I’m 14 years old. I was born on 15th of April 1995 in Barcelona. I am in 3rd of ESO in the school called Ies Sant Andreu. I live in Barcelona with my mum and my dad. I haven’t got any brothers and sisters. Physically I’m tall, thin with black hair and brown eyes and small nouse. I’am very funny, stubborn, happy , nice and sporty. My hobby is playing football . My team is EFS Prosperitat and I play with Sergio. He is also on the blog. My favourite profesional teams in football are Real Madrid and Español. My other hobby is playing basketball, but I don’t play in any team. This is me but it’s only small part.

1 comment:

Mònica Villanueva Benet said...

Hi, Joel!!
Welcome to the blog and to our subject. I hope you don't hate me for long for not having allowed you to do table tennis!!